
About us


We are exclusively focused on solutions delivery for staffing teams, from the smallest staffing agency to the largest corporation.

We Train

At Transform Talent Acquisition we believe that learning and the right training are keys to your success. There are many people with the right knowledge, but few who can transfer that knowledge to others.

We Manage

Our staffing strategies have been successfully implemented in many companies. When it comes to managing a staffing team, we believe in knowledge, empowerment, creativity, and accountability.

We Speak

Sharing is caring. We want to enlighten more individuals so that the quality of our industry increases. Staffing professionals from all over the world have listened to our ideas and have changed for the better.


Who We Are


Mark Tortorici

Founder & Training Expert
Transform Talent Acquisition

...was founded by Mark Tortorici, who has 15+ years experience training thousands of staffing professionals. He has managed staffing teams, created complete training programs for companies, is an avid speaker in the industry, and is passionate about technology.

He has conducted recruiter & sourcer training for individuals & companies including Google, Facebook, Apple, Nvidia, netPolarity, Ebay, Roku, Yahoo, AppNexus, Disney and many others.

Mark has successfully managed sourcing and recruiting teams using dedication, self-learning, improvement, technical knowledge, and accountability. He constantly finds, creates, and improves on any methods that are used to acquire candidates. Mark can even break down the most difficult technical concepts to students in a way that they easily understand.

Mark regularly speaks at sourcing & recruiting events like SourceCon, ERE, Talent42, Sourcing Summit, HRCA, and John Sumser's Recruiting Roadshow.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"

- Nelson Mandela , South Africa -


Who We Train


We train everyone who wants to learn. From entry-level to the most experienced staffing professionals, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to improve their craft and access solutions-based knowledge.



Training all individuals from:

Contract sourcers and recruiters to newbies who want a new start in staffing

Training all staffing groups:

From mom and pop shops to the largest RPO and VMS firms

Corporate training for:

Entire staffing organizations, experienced professionals, staffing newbies, and staffing managers

Our Services


Transform Talent Acquisition offers customized training solutions for staffing professionals everywhere. Whether you are an individual contract Recruiter, or you are a corporate Staffing Manager, there is a solution for you.

Sourcer Training

  • • For recruiters looking to improve their search skills
  • • For sourcers who want to find more passive candidates
  • • For anyone who needs the desirable skills to break into the staffing industry

Recruiter Training

  • • For sourcers who need candidate engagement skills
  • • For recruiters who need deeper candidate interviewing questions
  • • For anyone who needs improvement with cold calling, profiling, and closing

Technical Training

  • • For sourcers & recruiters who need technical knowledge beyond keywords
  • • For people who want more ways to search for technical candidates
  • • For staffing professionals who need to understand their product technology better

Functional / G&A Training

  • • For sourcers & recruiters looking to identify candidates beyond their job titles
  • • Ways to recruit for finance, HR, marketing, healthcare, insurance, & legal reqs
  • • For staffing professionals who need to understand their company services better

Staffing Process Analysis

  • • For HR & Staffing Managers looking to make their hiring process more efficient
  • • For staffing groups looking to improve service delivery for their clients
  • • For companies who need a fresh perspective into their sourcing process

Sourcing Strategies

  • • For HR & Staffing Managers who want to improve their sourcing process
  • • For staffing groups who need to source quicker than their competition
  • • For companies who need ways to generate more passive candidates

"You can never be overdressed or overeducated."

- Oscar Wilde -


Training Options


Trainings can be conducted online or in-person. The training method that delivers the most effective results is in-person, with interactive exercises, real-world problems, student feedback, and student presentations/teach-back.


Upcoming Schedule




per person

  • Quick Hits for Sourcing
  • Searches you can use right away
  • Passive social and profile sourcing
  • 75 minutes
  • Contact us for a consultation
Sign Up



per person

  • Social Media Sourcing
  • Passive sourcing techniques
  • Counts towards MARS certification
  • 75 minutes
  • Contact us for a consultation
Sign Up



per person

  • User Groups & Coding Sites
  • Passive sourcing techniques
  • Counts towards MARS certification
  • 75 minutes
  • Contact us for a consultation
Sign Up

1:1 Training



  • Sourcing & recruiting techniques
  • Job req intake & eval.
  • Search string help
  • 1 - 2 hours
  • Contact us for a consultation

Recent Blog Posts


Recent posts from our blog and other important news in the world of sourcing & recruiting

Blurring the Line Between Sourcing and Hacking

  • Mark Tortorici
  • 07-22-2020
  • sourcing

Several times throughout my career, I have been referred to as “some sort of hacker”. This was usually after I demonstrated some cool sourcing techniques which involved pulling information from a public site or database. This still makes me smile, especially since I know...

The Power of Positive APIs

  • Mark Tortorici
  • 01-29-2019
  • sourcing, technology

Tech sourcing! Always fun! If you are tired of seeing the same people, try looking in a different place online. What about Kubernetes / Container folks? You could always search local Meetup groups like this one. As long as you have a free Meetup account and are logged in, you can...

Sourcing Location without Getting Lost

  • Mark Tortorici
  • 04-04-2018
  • sourcing

There are so many different ways to find candidates. The variety of searches and candidate sources make it worthwhile to try these different methods out. But not all methods are created equal. And some don’t have all the information in once place. What about location, for example...

Boolean is Not Dead

  • Mark Tortorici
  • 02-10-2015
  • sourcing

I always see blog posts about how Boolean is dead for sourcing and that we can really source for candidates with a single job title. These aren’t new things actually. I’ve been seeing these types of posts many times over the years since 2000. Every time a new search engine, job board, social network....

"To teach is to learn twice."

- Joseph Joubert -


For More Information


Please contact us regarding pricing information, staffing strategies, technical knowledge, or help with difficult internet searches.