Advanced Sourcer Training

Time Length: Typically 8 hours
Customized?: Yes, according to customer
Take Home Materials: Step-by-step instructions, strings, and class materials.
Info & Pricing: Contact Us

Training Description

This is it, folks! The complete science of search string creation! Often imitated, but seldom replicated, we dissect search string creation and the human intelligence that goes on behind it. Whether you are new to the business or you are an expert, you will be able to learn all about the creation of search strings, use in search engines, social networks, job boards, and even “pure Boolean” applicant tracking systems. These sessions are all about active AND passive sourcing. They help you:

• Break-down Boolean Searches, when they're used, and when they're NOT used
• Search successfully within different search engines and make them work for you
• Get around websites that have weak search interfaces and never give you the right information
• Limit your searches to local, state, and country
• Reach candidates on LinkedIn without paying for a Premium Account
• Mine profiles on popular social network sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus and Quora
• Use browser add-ons and user scripts
• Automate and filter search results
• Track down emails and phone numbers of passive candidates

If you are tired of seeing the same candidates online that everybody else has spoken to, then you need to target passive candidates using paths that are less travelled by normal sourcers. Whether you are working for a corporation that has exhausted every living soul in the country, or if you are the sole recruiter/sourcer for an engineering start-up, these sessions can help you. Best of all, using these sourcing methods will be of no cost to you. You will not need a paid account on any social networks or paid-for data aggregation tool. Other passive sourcing modules include: • User groups & Technical Forums • Professional Associations • Diversity Searches • Blogs • International Sourcing • Google Custom Search Engines • And many more